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Desktop Virtualization

- Desktop Virtualization

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1:

Importance Of Desktop Virtualization

Chapter 2:

Role Of Desktop Virtualization

Chapter 3:

Advantages Of Desktop Virtualization

Chapter 4:

How Desktop Virtualization Can Increase Flexibility

Chapter 5:

Better Business With Virtual Desktop

Chapter 6:

The Right Approach To Virtualize Your Desktop

Wrapping Up


Understanding that desktop virtualization is a concept in which the desktop environment is created to simulate the elements of an actual physical machine which will help the user see its benefits. Get all the info you need here.

Desktop Virtualization

Chapter 1:

Importance Of Desktop Virtualization


The simplicity of desktop virtualization stems from the utilizing of a central remote server and can be accessed to provide the means for using the applications needed for data and programs via any computing base device.

What It Provides

The following are some of the important contributions the desktop virtualization is capable of providing:

• Easy mobility – the virtual desktop is an asset to the workforce and functions with the dynamics of needing to stay mobile always. It can facilitate the workstation anywhere, either online or offline. All the user would need would be a USB stick to operate and execute the relevant functions effectively.

• Centralized management system – the template its technology uses has the means to create countless virtual desktops all within one single template, thus making it more manageable as a team.

• Flexible controls – working as a group yet being able to have the facilities of controlling the individual workspace also allows the IT systems to be monitored and streamlined according to the business-related tasks in real-time scenarios.

• Cost-effective solutions and disaster recovery capabilities – the IT platform is constantly evolving and dynamic in its ability to keep abreast with the needs of the time. This is by means a cheap course of action and the desktop virtualization allows the users to simply run a script on the main server which in turn upgrades the other systems accordingly thus saving time and cost.

Chapter 2

Role Of Desktop Virtualization


Ideally, the role should be able to reflect mobility as this is supposed to define the fundamentals of desktop virtualization in a nut. However being able to combine applications, desktops, and data on one device while doing this in a wireless fashion and with mobile device management can be an uphill task, if not somewhat impossible.

What It Does

Desktop virtualization is a building block system when it comes to the reference made to its mobility. With the current influx of devices from smartphones to tablets, there is a demand to be able to have applications that provide simultaneous uploading of information at any given time. With the virtual desktop directly able to address these concerns and ensure the applications, desktops and data are all accessible with one device, the idea is catching on quickly and successfully.

Although most users will need to be connected or have access to the application, desktops, and data at all times, there is still a need to be able to work with one or more mobile devices at any given time. Therefore there is a need to ensure that safety measures are taken to avoid any potential security and regulatory risks. This can be done through two fairly simple ways which are the traditional premise-based approach of installing software and using it to manage the devices or by choosing applications such as cloud, in the form of SaaS which allows the user to bring order to the often chaotic systems spread.

The iPad has been the primary focal point of the need to now provide access to information more easily and desktop virtualization is an integral part of the overall equation. More users are interested in being able to access their information more efficiently and effectively and preferable at the same time.

Chapter 3:

Advantages Of Desktop Virtualization


Although server virtualization is a fairly new technology, it is nonetheless becoming increasingly popular with mainstream users. This is where desktop virtualization has made some progress in serving the needs of the time.

Helpful Tools

Managing employees’ desktops and laptops can be quite a hassle and with management tools to help, applying some of the operating procedures or even upgrading the present applications may present a rather labor-intensive task, thus the solution that can be provided by the virtualization of the desktop is seen as a viable alternative. With the use of desktop virtualization, the administrators can provide just a few virtual machine images or templates which can then be used by all the other employees even on different tools.

The security issues can also be addressed with the use of desktop virtualization as it includes the increased security measures in a way that lets the employees control their computer environments while also allowing the IT system to lock down business-related and relevant functions. The administrator will have to create a VM image file that has all the relevant data on the computer’s operating system, drivers, applications, files, and settings, then the virtualization engine runs the VM which acts are a regulatory mechanism. The physical computer running the VM otherwise referred to as the host, will then either be the user’s computer or a centralized server for the virtual scenario.

Other advantages would include the desktop virtualization’s ability to give IT administrators an easy and centralized way to manage the employees’ computers.

Chapter 4:

How Desktop Virtualization Can Increase Flexibility


Desktop virtualization is fast gaining popularity due to its main idea of cost savings for any business. This of course is a very important factor for both small and large enterprises looking to cut costs wherever possible.

Increased Flexibility

Flexibility is often an issue of contention when it comes to a part of the cost-saving effort. Certain aspects of the system cannot be allowed to be compromised too much, as it will eventually affect the overall processes needed to make whatever endeavor run smoothly, thus the benefits brought by the use of the desktop virtualization tool. Being able to benefit from the portable desktop which allows the users to connect from anywhere using a wide range of devices presents a good alternative for all connected to an ongoing project. The desktop virtualization also helps all concerned to be able to access multiple desktop environments from a single server. The convenience of this allows the programmers and developers to easily test codes and features on multiple operating systems or applications while all the time reducing development time and resources.

The desktop effectively empowers the IT to provide its users with a consistent, secure, and personalized experience regardless of the location of the user individually or as a group. This can be done from a connected device of choice, thus allowing for the freedom element to be dominant in the equation. The security to work virtually everywhere has the end contributing positive notation that most companies look for in terms of flexibility.

It is also possible to ensure optimum productivity from the users even when there is an interruption on the internet service or where

there is a total disconnection from the internet service. Here again, the flexibility provided by the desktop virtualization is unmatched.

Chapter 5:

Better Business With Virtual Desktop


The virtual desktop features allow for better flexibility in many ways and this is attracting many businesses to consider this new alternative favorably. However, to be able to optimize the virtual desktop usage, the user must first be able to understand all the benefits it can bring to the equation.

Get The Most From It

Users of the virtual desktops system can still do so, on the existing PCs but there would not be a need to constantly upgrade the hardware as the switch between operating environments such as Windows 10, and Windows 11 is possible. The administration and management exercise becomes easier as every attached workstation can use the same image, thus accommodating automatic updating and patched scenarios. This in turn creates an ideal platform for all the users connected to the particular business the access to the same image, operating system, and applications and this reduces the administrative and support costs considerably.

Having to constantly upgrade can be quite a hassle and with the virtual desktop, this need is effectively eliminated. This will be an advantage as all hardware costs can now be manageable, as almost everything is in the data center. There is only the need to acquire one premium system with redundant power supplies, a UPS, high-performance storage, and high bandwidth networking that will be able to deliver hardware to all the users whenever needed.

Once there are installation exercises on applications, patches, and drives all those connected to the system will be able to access and enjoy the image benefits from the updates. Problems will also be resolved within the data center without having to have physical access to the particular PC.

Chapter 6:

The Right Approach To Virtualize Your Desktop


As it gains popularity, the virtualized desktop is also becoming a more evident cost-effective way of conducting changes where needed and when needed. However, to maintain the cost-effective and seemingly easy procedures involved, the user would have to be able to do so in an informed way.

Very Convenient

A PC can run more than one operating system simultaneously, which makes the virtualization software more popular for using platforms such as Mac, Windows, and Mac OS X on the same device is possible. Once workstation 6 is available for use, the hard drive should be cleared to have enough space for a partition that can hold and install both Workstation 6 and the Linux operating systems.

Then the workstation installation should be done using the friendly wizards that VMWare has in the installer and this should take only a few minutes to download and get the system running a dual-core PC processor. Using the workstation 6 console, the New Virtual Machine button should be clicked on which will then cause the pop-ups and guides to appear to launch the process of creating a hard drive and virtual machine.

With the Linux disk installed into the optical drive, the wizard’s instructions can now be followed to install the OS onto the hard drive partition via the VM. The time frame needed for this process would largely depend on the operating system chosen and the PC’s hardware performance levels. By setting up the administrative controls as would be done with the OS on the virtual machine the permissions, themes, and defaults will now be in place.

Wrapping Up

Using a virtual desktop may be the best choice for your business venture. It offers many helpful tools and makes many tasks much easier to complete. Virtual desktops also offer a great deal of flexibility making them ideal for a fresh business venture. Just make sure you understand the guidelines in the book you just read, use the steps, and follow the tips, and you are sure to succeed using a virtual desktop.


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